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Industry Dynamics
#Industry Dynamics2023-12-01Trelleborg starts operation at its first manufacturing facility in VietnamTrelleborg Sealing Solution starts production at its first manufacturing facility in Long Thanh, Vietnam. The new facility focuses on servicing automotive and industrial markets for the fast-growing market in Vietnam and widerAsian region, as well as Europe and North America.The 8,000 square meter advanced facility produces high-quality O-Rings and custom-designed engineered molded components with a wide range of elastomer materials using the latest compression and injection molding technology a
#Industry Dynamics2023-12-01European Parliament adopts new position to reduce, reuse and recycle packagingEuropean Parliament adopted its position on new EU-wide rules on plastic packaging on Nov 22, to tackle constantlygrowing waste and boost reuse and recycling.Reduce packaging and ban “forever chemicals"Apart from the overall packaging reduction targets proposed in the regulation (5% by 2030, 10% by 2035 and 15% by2040).members of the European Parliament(MEPs) also want to set specific targets to reduce plastic packaging(10% by 2030, 15% by 2035and 20% by 2040).MEPs want to ban the sale of v
#Industry Dynamics2023-11-29World's First "ERGA EV", a Fully Flat-floor BEV Route BusIsuzu Motors Limited has showcased its battery electric vehicle (BEV) flat-floor route bus, "ERGA EV" at Japan Mobility Show 2023. Embodying the future of public transportation, the fully flat-floor design significantly improves passenger safety and the BEV technology greatly reduces environmental impacts. Launch of the vehicle in Japan is planned for the end of FY2024 (ending March 31, 2025).ERGA EV is the first BEV flat-floor route bus develop
#Industry Dynamics2023-11-27Joint Demonstration of Closed-loop Recycling of Nylon ResinThis joint demonstration is certified by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment (MOE) as a part of its project to establish a decarbonized circular economy system. Honda and Toray will install and verify a pilot facility with a processing capacity of 500 metric tons of resin per year, with the aim of putting this recycling process into practical application by around 2027.As evidenced by the enactment of the Plastic Resource Circulation Act, societal demand for the recycling of not o
#Industry Dynamics2023-11-27China to Allow Visa-free Entry for Travelers from 6 Countries Great news for overseas visitors! China has announced visa-free entry for travelers from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia! From December 1, 2023, to November 30, 2024, visitors holding passports from these countries can enter China without a visa and stay for up to 15 days! This means, it's now easier than ever to attend CHINAPLAS 2024 in Shanghai! Join us and discover the latest innovations in plastics and rubber industri
#Industry Dynamics2022-10-18青岛下决心:打造成千亿级橡胶产业链近日,山东省青岛市发布文章称,将新型绿色橡胶产业作为重点发展的产业之一,力争打造成千亿级橡胶产业链。该市工业和信息化局会同发展改革委、科技局、商务局等部门,积极采纳“关于加快发展绿色先进橡胶产业链的提案”意见建议,落实到全市橡胶产业链发展工作中。1~7月份,青岛橡胶产业链现有橡胶制品规模以上企业122家,上半年实现营业收入147.6亿元,占全市工业的2.2%,同比增长7.7%,高于全市规模以上工业增速5.5个百分点;橡胶新材料与制品产业已入选山东省第四批雁阵形产业集群,其中高端轮胎产量居全省第一,赛轮集团、双星集团、森麒麟3家骨干企业规模分列全球第17、34、37位;橡胶装备规模以上企业10余家,其中软控机电的橡胶装备市场占有率全球第一。规划指导方面,编制完成《青岛市高端化工产业链高质量发展行动方案(2022-2024)》《青岛市智能制造装备产业链高质量发展行动方案(2022-2024)》,将橡胶制品、橡胶装备列入分别高端化工产业链、智能制造装备产业链发展重点之一,全力推进。谋划重大项目方面,争取山东省政府支持,省政府同意总投资151亿元的“液体黄金”轮胎项目可不进行轮胎产能置换,省发
#Industry Dynamics2022-10-14国橡中心液体黄金新能源汽车橡胶制品与轮胎应用研发平台成立近日,国家橡胶与轮胎工程技术研究中心(以下简称“国橡中心”)经上级主管部门批准,汇聚行业精英,成立液体黄金新能源汽车橡胶制品与轮胎应用研发平台。近年来,国橡中心针对新能源汽车专用橡胶制品及轮胎开展了大量的研究工作,取得了一系列重大技术成果。液体黄金新能源汽车橡胶制品与轮胎应用研发平台的成立,标志着国橡中心在该领域的创新研发工作正式步入快车道。新能源汽车与传统汽车在动力来源、运行工况等方面存在较大差异,以新能源汽车专用轮胎为例,受制于电池容量和单次续航里程的矛盾,要求轮胎具有更低的滚动阻力以提高续航能力;因车身重量较传统汽车更大,要求轮胎能提供更高的负荷能力以及更强的制动性能;因电动机初始转矩大、车辆提速快,要求轮胎具有更好的抓着性能以及耐磨性能;因电动机的噪声较小,因而对轮胎噪声的要求更为严格。由于上述性能之间的相互制约,对新能源汽车专用轮胎的配方、结构设计等提出了新的挑战和更高的要求。国橡中心液体黄金新材料技术的问世,为新能源汽车的这些新要求提供了有力的支撑。此外,国橡中心成功攻克空气弹簧气囊关键技术,制备出超高性能空气弹簧产品,已与多家主机厂开展实车测试,具备了较为成熟的技术积累。
#Industry Dynamics2022-10-122021年度中国制造业上市公司价值500强榜单,玲珑轮胎进入百强日前,中国设备管理协会、国务院国资委机械工业经济管理研究院发布了《2021年度中国制造业上市公司价值500强榜单》,从企业的资本价值、产业价值、创新价值和社会价值4个维度进行综合评估,玲珑轮胎综合评分跻身百强之列,位列84位。党的十八大以来,国家多次强调要大力发展制造业和实体经济,指出“制造业是国家经济命脉所系”,是构筑未来发展战略优势的重要支撑,是确保民生经济的重要基石。伴随科技发展,制造业已经从传统制造向智能制造领域转型,科技创新成为了制造业发展的驱动内核。玲珑轮胎伴随中国制造业崛起之浪潮,始终以研发创新作为企业发展之帆,以数字化转型作为企业发展之舵,不断完善创新体系、增强创新能力、激发创新活力,驱动产业链创新链深度融合。同时,以智造引领制造,进行智能化车间升级构建、采用前沿数字营销模式,持续进行数字化转型升级,探索新型制造业发展之路。中国作为全球制造业大国,已然成为全球数字化制造业探索领先者。玲珑轮胎作为中国制造业上市公司价值百强企业,将继续紧随国家发展之大势,以研发创新、体系创新、服务创新、模式创新为企业发展之本,推动轮胎产业乃至汽车产业链价值衍生,助力中国制造业再启新巅。
#Industry Dynamics2022-10-10两大橡胶助剂项目,于山东同时奠基!